Prayer and Belief

Beloved People of God,

Today is Christmas, and with it Christide follows in its marvelous wake! Christide, also known as the twelve days of Christmas, carries us on its waves of rejoicing into the new year. Beloved, perhaps this past year has felt like a rocky shore that has shaken your faith or like a desert island scarred by loneliness. I pray the days of Christide would sweep you into the newness of a new season. Maybe 2024 was your best year, and the thought of tomorrow fills you with anxiety. I pray the year ahead would be one illuminated by the nearness of Jesus, no matter what lies ahead.

Friends, Christide is the best possible way to enter the new year. Don’t let the Spirit of Christmas fade from our lives when the last piece of wrapping paper is dutifully piled into the trash or the final slice of turkey’s been consumed from our Christmas table. May our song be that of David as we glory in the arrival of Jesus, our long-awaited King: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name!” (Psalm 103.1).

I pray today’s celebration would truly be the beginning of something new. Christmas morning is a time of wonder and glory. Beloved, the Christ-child is in the manger! But Christmas morning is followed by Christmas afternoon and evening. It’s then matched by the next day and the day after that. Each fresh dawn is followed by a new noonday awash in the presence of the Christ-child, God born among us!

In the name of Jesus, the Son of David—who is our Great High Priest—I bless you this Christmas: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace,” (Numbers 6.22-27).

For His Name’s Sake,



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