At Eternity we center on the image in Revelation 7 of a great multitude from every people and tribe gathering to worship Jesus. Our life together is lived toward that promise. We seek practical expression of what it means to be a diverse people gathered from different backgrounds to a unified purpose: worshipping the Lamb, Jesus.
High church, low church, no church – we are a multi-denominational congregation that recognizes value in multiple expressions of Christian faithfulness. Rather than seeing ourselves as post-denominational we hunger for particular elements of Jesus’ life captured by Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, or Anglo-Catholic traditions. Part of the life in Christ that we seek is the gift of healing: we regularly hold services with that focus, and emphasize equipping members to pray for one another for healing of body, mind, and spirit.
Our values are clearly centered on the cross and resurrection of Christ. Holding that at the center of our practice opens broad avenues for community expression: whether that be Zoom prayer meetings, our partner preschool in the building, a cooking class, or a lay preaching course. More than a programmatic focus, we seek to create spaces to worship and listen to God’s leading and to enjoy one another.