In His Hands

Beloved People of God,

In the middle of Jesus’ sermon on the Mount we find ourselves being challenged in countless ways. With a simple statement of when and where we give to the poor and pray, He has called our hearts to deep reflection on the why beneath our benevolence and piety. It isn’t enough to give; we must examine why we give. It isn’t truly satisfying to pray in public to garner the praise and admiration of others. These rewards are hollow and fleeting. Instead, when we give and forgive, when we pray and fast, we should practice righteousness quietly because our actions are prayerful expressions of worship to God.

I love how African theologian Tertullian (from the second century) encouraged us: “Fasting possesses great power. If practiced with the right intention, it makes man a friend of God.” That’s what it’s all about! When we give to the poor, we are giving to Christ, because He is our beloved. He has called us friend (John 15.15)! We don’t fight against social ills to make a name for ourselves but to be more like Jesus. When we pray to the Father, we fix our eyes on the God who sees us (Genesis 16.13). When we fast, we give physical expression to our spiritual hunger for His righteousness in our lives. 

Reading Matthew 6.16-34, we discover fasting changes our relationship with our possessions and with the oppressed. We aren’t driven by the meager rewards of being seen by others because through fasting we realize we are forever seen by God! This realization drives us to tell others this marvelous gospel truth! Fasting changes our relationship with ourselves and the circumstances that surround us. Fasting is one way to bring our anxieties to the feet of Jesus and trust the Father’s love for us.

The power of fasting is how it reorients us toward God and toward others. If you’re able, take some time this week to fast, leaving your anxieties on the altar and resting in the arms of your Father.

For His Name’s Sake,



Life Together


Giving and Forgiving