A Prayer in Troubled Times: All Eyes on Jesus

Beloved People of God,

For Elise and I, it's never too early to start celebrating Christmas! I know some refuse to deck the halls until after Thanksgiving, but in our house, we rarely make it all the way to All Saints Day before we start decorating! And after Epiphany, when we finally take down the tree, we put up a little leafless tree branched with lights to take its place until next year’s festivities.

In the hustle and bustle of life, often the first thing to get lost in the rush is celebration. The to-do list takes precedence. Our holy days (now jammed together into one word: holiday) lose their sacredness not because God is absent, but because we didn’t stop to be present with him. This can be because work is hectic or the concerns of the world weigh too heavily on our souls.

Surely this was at least in part what Pope Pius XI had in mind when, as he witnessed the rise of fascism changing the political landscape of post-Great War Europe, he instituted the Feast of Christ the King. Several denominations and fellowships have followed suit in the decades following 1925, calling Christ’s people to slow down and celebrate a feast on the last Sunday of November. For nearly one hundred years, millions of Christians have celebrated the Feast of Christ the King!

As we read Jude’s final words to the Church (24-25), his great doxology of praise and adoration, let’s celebrate together that Jesus Christ is King! This Sunday, we rejoice as we dedicate our children to Christ’s love and care, baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and break Christ’s bread of communion. In the fellowship hall we will have some special treats and ways to feast together.

But that is just the beginning! Take this final week before Advent as a time to remember how Jesus was born among us, how He made His dwelling in our midst, and how we now wait in expectant wonder for His return; and celebrate with your friends and family what it means that Christ is our King. This is good news, indeed!

For His Name’s Sake,



Finding Hope in Prayer